American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
You can go here for yesterday's post to see a couple more shots of the kestrel, who did several flyovers of the bayou while I was there. He moved back and forth between the telephone cable, directly over the water, and the trees opposite where I sat on the bank of the bayou watching a Great Blue Heron downstream.

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Looking back the other way, I also had a great view of this egret in the distance. Unfortunately, a truck rumbling down a nearby road spooked him after I got only this one decent shot of him.

Great Egret (Ardea alba)
I also got a nice long look at this shrike, who brought some tasty little tidbit up to the top of the footbridge and then stayed for a minute or two to take in the scenery.

Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
Throw in a handful of doves, a blue jay and a mockingbird, and as I said before, "Not bad for a 45-minute lunchbreak!"
Not sure why this one didn't show up when I posted it last night. But when I went back in to edit this morning and just saved it again, up popped yesterday's post. For what it's worth, it really was posted last night. Laaaaate laste night...
Another great kestrel image. Looks like a fun place to visit.
It's so fun having and using digital cameras now instead of scopes and binoculars. It's a great way to study Nature closer to an even higher degree.
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