Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)

According to reports by the Houston Audubon Society, Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks have recently been expanding their range in Texas. They can frequently be found in and around neighborhood ponds and lakes to the north and west of the Houston area. I have seen them on several occasions this fall at Bear Creek Park and once up north in the Tomball area, usually in groups of two to four.
For more great bird photos from around the world, check out Bird Photography Weekly #18.

Those are handsome ducks! Send a pair up here to Minnesota! (maybe after we thaw out...)
Thanks, Lynne! I always enjoy the little "crew cuts" they have going. Nice and trim little fellas.
Great photos and very interesting ducks. We have whistling ducks out here in Australia - but rather different from those. Dendrocygna ... so I guess they are from the same 'family' (Not sure if that is the correct terminology).
Great duck photos. I also just noticed your new family photo. Its terrific.
Nice shots Kyle. Interesting looking ducks!
Great photos and nice choice for BPW! I love those bubble-gum pink bills.
A very nice pair front and back.
Kyle, can you send some over to me? I have never seen one though they are suppose to be somewhere here in AZ!
How beautiful can they get! These two in the first photo are beautiful! I've never seen this species before.
I've seen one this year on the University of Houston campus, which is slightly south of downtown.
Great pictures.
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