Wow Kyle! This is a very beautiful photo! It's not just the sky that's truly gorgeous but also the solitary tree! I love the aura of your photo! Just like a beautiful painting!
Thanks for droppin by and stay tuned for my fiesta photos tomorrow! I'll be expecting you^^
Mabuhay and God Bless you and your family there in Texas!
Beautiful photo. Your site is very interesting.
Sounds good to me!! Nice capture!
Beautiful! I love that tree being off centered in the photo:) My SWF is posted HERE. Happy Sky Watching!~
Ooh - lucky cows. My Prince Farming chopped down what I called the "cow tree" in one of our fields. Very nice shot.
Beautiful shot. One lonely shade tree for those poor cattle.
Funny. Texas cows are wise.
Happy skywatching.
This is such a lovely scene--I really like it.
lovely, restful, picture thank you for sharing it.
Great shot. This took me back to my childhood on my aunt and uncle's farm. Picture perfect in my mind.
What a delightful view... and such a nice looking tree as well.
Thank you for joining in with Sky Watch this week... I hope you enjoy it.
Mine's Here
they are not as daft as they look cows...LOL Great photo.
Gill in Canada
I almost missed the cows!
I love stately trees in wide spaces.
That's a picture postcard sweet image.
Very nice Kyle! I love farm scenes.
the only place to be is under the tree :) beautiful shot!
That is truly a midwest style scene! Beautiful.
So glad to see that lovely big tree tor the stock to find shade under. Nice shot.
Well done, Kyle!
Beautiful. One more reason Texas is God's Country
From a displaced Texan,
Wow Kyle! This is a very beautiful photo! It's not just the sky that's truly gorgeous but also the solitary tree! I love the aura of your photo! Just like a beautiful painting!
Thanks for droppin by and stay tuned for my fiesta photos tomorrow! I'll be expecting you^^
Mabuhay and God Bless you and your family there in Texas!
Beautiful picture, nice tree!
I bet a tree is a mighty welcome sight in Texas when the sun is hot... very hot
Lord L says thank you Kyle for your visit and message.
That is really lovely.I think I'll pass on chewing the cud,though,lol
From reviewing your blog I find that we must be kindred souls. This Sky Watch must be as Texas as its possible to get, big sky and cows :)
Thanks for your nice comment, I appreciate it very much
Very nice! I'll be back to visit again. :)
I had to smile at this one. What a great shot. You know it's hot when all the cows are under the shade of the only tree around. LOL!
And thanks for your comments on my blog regarding being blocked. That was sweet of you. :-)
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