I stopped to take these pictures Tuesday morning on my way to work. These four images were taken within about a twenty minute span of time.

Hundreds of grackles spend the early morning hours roosting on the patchwork of power lines and in the various trees that surround this intersection. From first light until shortly after sunrise, the noise filling the area is almost overwhelming as the birds call and scream, constantly launching and alighting and performing what I would have to describe as an almost hypnotic aerial ballet. By an hour later the assembly will have dispersed to prey on the garbage-strewn parking lots of the city, and the only remaining noise comes from the commuters running late to work.

ha that made me chuckle I took some of those this week too pretty colors the sky never disappoints
Very nice photo. Happy SWF
OMG! Not only gorgeous clours but the silhouettes are fantastic.
Great sky colors, I would be watching my head for fear that many birds would bomb me with bird poop, LOL.
Golly, that's marvelous!! I'm delighted at your photos!
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Mountain Retreat- Canada
I would be so scared to walk under those lines! LOL But they make amazing photos. Thanks for sharing them.
Love your title. This brought me a big smile on my face. Thanks.
Lovely pictures.Thank you for sharing them.
Do you find that the birds gather in the same place in the evening also?
Here its dawn info time,eg where the best food is and in the evening updating each other with the days events. As you say very noisey.
I love it when the grackles swarm. In fact I posted about it last Saturday. Great minds think alike, dontcha think? ;-)
Happy Sky Watch!
I like this - I've always enjoyed seeing the grackles, crows, and blackbirds flock up at sunset; I didn't think about what would happen the next morning when they woke up.
I never would have thought grackles and power lines would be interesting together. But with the way the sky color changes, it's really quite striking!~
OMG!!! Your photos are one of my fave for this weeks SW! I love taking pics of pigeons and the wires:) AMAZING!!Mine is up HERE. Hope to see you there! Happy SWF!~
I like your caption! And the changes in the photos is nice.
Just beautiful! Time for the birds to head south and our earth to go to sleep for a while.
Love that third image...
Hope you are enjoying a great Sky Watch Friday...
I have never seen that many birds on an electric wire. They must be noisy huh? Beautiful shots!
It reminds me of music notes on the page. Really cool shots for Sky Watch.
Have a great weekend
What great compositions the birds on sllthose wires generate! The first one especially is a real gem.
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