It's been three weeks now since I returned to San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge with three separate memory cards full of photos. I've simply got to work on getting a better turnaround for getting pics downloaded and posted!
(Note: You can click on any of the images in this post to see the full-sized, detailed versions on Flickr.)The morning sun rose unseen behind a dense fog that had settled in from the coast to well north of Houston, but the weathermen swore it would clear out by mid-day. As luck would have it, the skies had just about cleared by the time I made it to the
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory in Lake Jackson, just a couple of miles from the refuge. Stopping over briefly at the GCBO, I started the morning watching cardinals, chickadees and titmice taking turns at the feeders and a tree full of roosting night-herons.

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea)By the time I turned down the gravel and dirt road leading into San Bernard, the fog had finally burned off, revealing a beautiful expanse of crisp blue Texas sky
chocked full of life.

Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)I started with the drive around Moccasin Pond, which was not quite as crowded as on my previous visit but still had plenty of waterfowl enjoying the spring weather. There were
Blue-winged Teal,
Northern Shovelers and
American Coots aplenty.

While I saw fewer Red-winged Blackbirds than expected, there was an abundance of Boat-tailed Grackles on hand. Males and females alike perched briefly on branches, reeds and roadside posts all along the drive.

Boat-tailed Grackles (Quiscalus major)I also saw plenty of ibises, with both adults and a few juvenile
White Ibis present. The White-faced Ibises were even more numerous than on my last visit, and they seemed especially active and vocal this day.

White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi)The egret family was well-represented...

Great Egrets (Ardea alba)

Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)... as were the herons.

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)

Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor)There were also a handful of Black-crowned Night-Herons, both adult and
juvenile birds that had not yet lost their youthful plumage. The glowing orange of these night-herons' eyes were absolutely stunning.

Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)I have already posted several pictures of the
grebes and
bitterns that I saw, all of which were especially exciting finds.

American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus)A trio of cormorants rounded out the highlights of the trip. One perched gracefully within fifty feet of my truck, its clear aqua blue eyes keeping a close watch as I crawled slowly by.

There were at least a dozen or so more birds on hand, including gulls, several shorebirds, Tree Swallows, sparrows, kinglets, mockingbirds and cardinals. Plenty of Red Slider turtles, a sleeping snake and a pair of alligators also made appearances. All in all, this was one fantastic outing.
I've uploaded more photos from the trip to my
Flickr photostream, in case you haven't had enough. (The first six in that set are from my previous visit to San Bernard, all others are from the more recent trip.)