I was looking back through my pictures from my semi-recent drive along Longenbaugh Road (same trip I saw the enigmatic Northern Harrier), trying to make sure I had my Savannah Sparrows distinguished from my Song Sparrows ... when all of a sudden I ran across four consecutive shots of a Crested Caracara in flight. The photos are embarrassingly poor in quality (along the lines of that second Harrier pic), but very easily good enough to identify the caracara.
The crazy thing is, I don't even remember seeing that guy!
On a separate note, and in an attempt to make up for that fuzzy Harrier shot I posted on Friday, here's a little teaser from the weekend's Houston Audubon Society field trip to the Greens Bayou Wetlands Mitigation Bank.

My first good look at a Tri-colored Heron.
Beautiful picture and stunning bird. Kyle your photos are always beautiful. Thank you for this one.
Not only a good look, but a great shot!
Wow, what a great shot. :-)
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