I don't care if they're found pretty much anywhere there's water. I just love those wonderful, iridescent blue racing stripes (speculum) they sport!

Mallard, female (Anas platyrhynchos)
And an action shot...

For more great bird photos from around the world, check out Bird Photography Weekly #19.

Mrs. Mallard looks like she's one of a kind. ;o) Do all the females have that dark blotch over the top part of their bill? Is it only during a certain season/time of year? I've never seen one like that. Great photo capture, Kyle.
I've never thought of them as racing stripes. I like it!
That "action shot" is a different view of a Mallard. I agree, I don't care how common of a duck this is, it is still neat. The plain, brown birds don't get as much attention as the flashy ones, but they need a little love, too!
Thanks for the photos,
I agree with you Kyle. They are really beautiful birds. Nice photos!!
Mallards are cool... sure, they're common, but I think they try to develop odd personalities to stand out of the crowd.
Nice photos - and what is common to you is not that way for everyone!
I love female Mallards. They are a beautiful study in brown and white. I think most female birds do not get the attention that males do. They are not as strikingly colored.
Cute shots, Kyle! Love the action shot. :-)
That's a great photo of the female mallard stretching its wings back and with its bill in the water. I believe Mallards are almost the most beloved bird of North America. It's one of the few birds just about anyone can name.
I think these are great. I like those irradescent colors on them too.
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